BEA 2014

I am not at BEA this weekend.

But on the off-chance that YOU are, here are some things to pick up!

Evil Librarian jacket

EVIL LIBRARIAN by my friend Mikki Knudsen. At the Candlewick Booth! (2857)


HOOK’S REVENGE by my friend Heidi Schulz! At the Disney/Hyperion booth! (Don’t know which number!)

And if you go by the Abrams/Amulet booth, they may have some HOPE IS A FERRIS WHEEL poetry club guides. I haven’t confirmed this with anyone, though. They could be there, but if not, you should pick up OTHERBOUND by Corinne Duyvis or STEERING TOWARD NORMAL by Rebecca Petruck. And they will probably have ARCs of…


…by another one of my Amulet pub-sisters, Kate Boorman!



Filed under Books

2 Responses to BEA 2014

  1. mary t.

    I love, love the cover for Hook’s Revenge and am super excited for Winterkill and Otherbound as well. I’ll have to look into Evil Librarian – I’ve heard of it, but mostly in title passing.

    Of course, if I ever went to BEA myself, I’d probably come home with everything I could carry because BOOKS: never too many*! It’s so exciting to read a book before anyone else can get hold of it.

    *total hyperbole; I’d be afraid to take too many and get called out as a hoarder. 😉

    • Robin Herrera

      I’ve read Hook’s Revenge and Otherbound and they’re both VERY good.

      I would totally hoard books if I went to BEA. Despite already having a TBR pile half my height. Maybe if I finish my whole TBR pile by next year I’ll reward myself with a trip to BEA!

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